Born Of Persuasion

Born Of Persuasion by Jessica Dotta is the first book in her new Price Of Privilege trilogy. In book one we meet the main characters, Julia, Edward, Elizabeth, Henry, and Mr. Macy. The novel is set in 1838 and follows young Julia, who has been orphaned and placed under the care of a mysterious, and anonymous, guardian. She fears his plans for her and decides to try to plan her own fate and future by seeking a marriage. When her plans to marry her (secretly) betrothed, Edward, go awry, she enters into an agreement with an unscrupulous matchmaker and ends up falling in love with the rich and handsome, but treacherous, Mr. Macy. This 430 page novel twists and turns so many times throughout its pages that at the end you will still not be sure everyone is who they say they are. I have to admit I was very hesitant to choose this book - I am not an Austen or Bronte fan, nor a huge historical fiction fan, nor have I ever read a Gothic novel, as this was described. Let me just say that I absolutely LOVED this book, down to every last page. I was pleasantly surprised at how amazing it was. I was hooked in from literally the first page and couldn't put it down. Though this was a thick book, I finished it in two days. There was a new plot twist around every corner and I actually gasped out loud at some of the revelations that I didn't see coming. I would recommend this book to any fiction lover, especially a lover of historical/Gothic fiction, but don't let that description put you off from reading it if that's not your usual type of book. The only complaint I have about this book is that it literally leaves you on a huge cliffhanger right in the middle of the story, and book two doesn't come out until Summer 2014! Tyndale House, please rush its release date - I can't wait that long to find out what happens next! Pick up this book - you won't regret it. Jessica Dotta is a definite author to watch. I can't wait to see her next work. I received a copy of this book from Tyndale House in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


  1. Denise, thank you for featuring Born of Persuasion! Love your blog, especially the background!

  2. Denise, thank you for featuring Born of Persuasion! Love your blog, especially the background!


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