
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain is an excellent book. I felt like it described my life and self so perfectly. I was so excited to find a book solely dedicated to the study of introverts. This book reads like a mix between a textbook and a fast paced novel - it was packed full of intellectual information with a mix of exciting and compelling personal stories.The book touches on the traits of an introvert, differences between introversion and shyness, the business world, history, science, children, education, and much, much more. She mentions this book took seven years to write and you can definitely tell by the amount of research that went into it.Quiet is a jam packed 352 page book which also includes notes, an index, a quiz to determine where you fall on the introvert/extrovert scale, Q&A with the author, resources, discussion questions, and more. I absolutely recommend this book for all introverts, plus parents or spouses of introverts. You won't regret reading it.My only "complaints" about this book would be the sometimes pretentious writing - it talks frequently about fancy dinner parties, attorneys, high powered consultants, etc, etc. It's obvious the author comes from a rather different circle of life than this middle class stay at home mom! Also, I'm confused as to why this book is being promoted by a Christian publisher - it is not by any stretch of the imagination a religious book and I'm not even sure if the author is a Christian. It also has some infrequent language. However, this wouldn't cause me not to read the book - I just thought it was a bit odd.All around, read this book!I received a copy of this book from Waterbrook Multnomah in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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