Micah by Dani Ramsey

I have to say that this is definitely one of those books that will capture your attention immediately and you will have trouble putting it down. I read it in one day. It was easy to read, compelling, heartfelt, and a page turner. This book takes you through Micah Ramsey's battle with Ewing's Sarcoma, an aggressive cancer. He was diagnosed at just 15. I was inspired and moved by Micah's determination to glorify God through his cancer journey and encouraged by his strength and hope. I will admit that certain aspects of this book disturbed me a bit - such as the family's decision not to pursue chemotherapy or radiation for his cancer and rather try other, unconventional methods to treat his cancer. However, that was their personal decision to make. Overall, I finished reading this book with an awe of Micah's faith in God, and inspired by his words and writings that Dani shared from his journal. I received a copy of this book from BookCrash in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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