Bold As Love by Bob Roberts, Jr.

Bold As Love: What can happen when we see people the way God does by Bob Roberts, Jr. is a book that is definitely needed for our current time. It encourages us to examine ourselves and break out of our comfort zones to reach people with Christ whom we might not otherwise reach, due to fear, discomfort, etc. This book encourages to launch out and build engaging relationships with people of every type, culture, and religion, and ultimately see lives changed. Bob Robert's stories were engaging and interesting and this book was an exciting read. I had trouble putting it down. From meeting a Saudi Arabian prince to lunch with a rabbi, the stories in this book will entertain, encourage, and inspire you to reach out to everyone you encounter. The bottom line of this book is that Jesus' love transcended all cultures, religions, and languages, and our love for others should, too. I highly recommend this excellent book. I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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