Dreams And Visions

I believe that Dreams And Visions by Tom Doyle is an important book for our time. The world has been extremely divided (Christians vs. Muslims) since September 11th. I believe that this book is an excellent way to show us what is currently going on in the Muslim world and a great guide for Christians to reach out to Muslims and share our faith. This is one of those books you won't want to put down - I read it in two days. The stories related are thrilling, and proof of God's power even in a place where conversion means an almost certain death. I was touched and moved by reading all of these stories, and in awe of God's working through dreams and visions to show Himself to the Muslim people. It also gives practical help and ideas for how to witness to Muslims here in America. I found this section very helpful and critical in knowing how to properly share Christ in these situations. I highly recommend this book. It will open your eyes and change your heart! I received a copy of this book from BookSneeze in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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