Found Missing

Found Missing: A True Story Of Domestic Violence, Murder, and Eternity by Linda Slavin was definitely an interesting and exciting book to read. In it, Linda details her abusive marriage to Vincent and his ultimate murder and what happened in her life afterwards. I had trouble putting this book down, the story was compelling, and I couldn't wait to see what happened next. However, there were a few things I didn't like about this book. First of all, the story jumps around a bit and I sometimes had trouble following it. Secondly, this says it's a nonfiction book, but then refers to itself as a novel and there's a disclaimer saying names have been changed, characters have been merged, and some of the stories were fabricated to help the flow of the book. This confused me - I wasn't sure if it was a memoir or a novel. However, even with these minor flaws, the story was excellent and it was a very enjoyable read. I was impressed with Linda's unwavering faith and commitment to God throughout these difficult circumstances. I received a copy of this book from BookCrash in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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