Happily Ever After

I recently read Happily Ever After by Gary Chapman. I was excited to receive this book because I have read and really enjoyed The Five Love Languages.

My first impression of this book was that I loved the cover and inside style of the book. The cover was very pretty and the inside of the book was well designed and very beautiful. It looks like it would make a lovely gift for a wedding or engaged or newly married couple.

The book is divided into six sections covering topics such as finances, communication, intimacy, and more. This book covered a basic variety of extremely common marriage issues, so I feel this book could be helpful to any couple. I especially enjoyed the section on communication. It contained many helpful ideas that I'd like to incorporate in my own marriage. Gary Chapman includes stories from his own counseling sessions, practical tips, and many helpful ideas to keep any marriage great. I highly recommend it to any engaged or married couple.

I received a copy of this book from Tyndale House Publishers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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