Ascent From Darkness

I just read Ascent From Darkness by Michael Leehan. This book wasn't quite what I was expecting. I thought it would give a brief testimony of his past and focus more on his deliverance and how Christ turned his life around, but it's the complete opposite. Most of this book focuses on his past and the part where he is saved and turns his life around is very brief. 

This book should definitely be read with discernment and prayer as parts are very dark and disturbing. I wasn't expecting it to be quite as graphic and in detail as it was. Some of his stories are almost too incredible to believe, although he says they are all true. 

On the plus side, this does show how Jesus can save "to the uttermost" and no sin is too bad to be saved from.

Three out of five stars on this one. Definitely an interesting, if somewhat disturbing, read.

I was provided a copy of this book by Thomas Nelson in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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