Stained Glass Hearts

I recently read Stained Glass Hearts by Patsy Clairmont. This book was fairly good, but not quite what I expected based on reading the description. I thought it would be more of a self-help, practical type of book, but it was more of a sharing of life experiences and thoughtful book.

I thought the format was interesting, in that it was divided into various chapters, all relating to stained glass. Chapters included Stained Glass Prayer, Stained Glass Books, Stained Glass Redemption, and more. At the end of each chapter Patsy gave suggested artwork, poems, prayers, Scripture verses, other reading, and even YouTube videos to watch. I thought that was a rather innovative and interactive format. It was definitely different than anything I've ever read before!

The personal stories from Patsy's life were interesting, heartfelt, and at time funny, but the chapters sometimes felt disjointed. Overall I enjoyed the book, yet some portions just didn't resonate with me.

I was provided a copy of this book by BookSneeze for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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