Espresso For Your Spirit

I just wanted to take some time to share about a book I read recently, Espresso For Your Spirit, by Pam Vredevelt. This book is a quick read, 28 short chapters full of humor, Scripture, touching stories, and more. This is a book designed to give parents a short pick-me-up when they are worn out. I was excited to read this book, because if you know me, you know I love coffee! ;)

I had read another one of Pam's books several years ago, Empty Arms, when I had a miscarriage. That book gave me a lot of comfort and hope at that time, so I was excited to read another title by her - this time, something a little more uplifting. I thoroughly enjoyed learning a little bit more about Pam and her family, and this book made me laugh, cry, and everything in between. I read it in just one day and couldn't put it down. I now can't wait to read some of her other books as well!

This book also includes a "Koffee Klatch Questions" discussion guide that includes questions for each chapter to be discussed in a book group or church small group. I thought this was a nice addition and would be a perfect idea for a moms group! All in all, this was a very enjoyable book and I would highly recommend it to all my mom friends!

Note: I received a review copy of this book from Multnomah Publishers via Blogging For Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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