FAQ Of The Day: What Does That Mean?

FAQ Of The Day: What does that mean?! AKA, coupon abbreviations. :) When I first started couponing it was like learning a new language! There are many abbreviations used in the coupon world that made no sense to me at first, but now it's second nature. Here are some of the common abbreviations used in the coupon world:

RP: Redplum, the coupon insert that comes in the mail here in the AV every Tuesday and in some places in the newspaper every Sunday. You can get duplicates of the RP here in the AV by getting your free one in the mail on Tuesday and then picking up an LA Times on Sunday. RP don't come in the AV Press since we get them in the mail, but they do come in the LA Times.

P&G: Proctor and Gamble coupon insert that comes in the Sunday paper once a month or so.

SS: SmartSource, the coupon insert that comes in the paper every Sunday.

RR: Register Rewards, coupons that print out on your receipt at Walgreens. Example: Shampoo is on sale for $3 with $2 Register Rewards. You pay $3 for the shampoo, then your receipt contains a coupon for $2 off your next purchase of ANYTHING. These can be used just like cash, as many as you want at a time.

ECB's: Extra Care Bucks. CVS's rewards program. They're just like RR's - can be used like cash on your next transaction, as many as you want.

+UP: Rite Aid's rewards program. Same as above, print with your receipt and can be used like cash on the next transaction.

BOGO/B1G1 free: Buy One Get One free, can also be B1G1 half off or B1G1 50% off

Catalina: coupon that prints off with your receipt at the grocery store - called Catalinas because the company that runs this program is called Catalina Marketing Corporation and is printed off the Catalina Machine next to the register.

Blinkies: the coupons that come from those little blinking machines in the grocery store aisles :)

Peelies: the coupons that are stuck to the packaging of products

Double coupon: a coupon that doubles in value. The only stores here that will double coupons are Ralph's and Vons; each will double only 1 of each "like" coupon, and only up to $1. So if you have a 75 cent off coupon, it is still only worth $1.

WYB: When You Buy

YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary

Stacking coupons: using a manufacturer coupon and a store coupon on the same product for extra savings. For example, using a Walgreens coupon that is $3 off, say, diapers, and also using a $1.50 off manufacturer coupon for diapers. This is a great way to get extra savings.

OOP: Out Of Pocket

Coupon matchups: matching up the available coupons to the store sale ads

Are there any abbreviations that I missed that you don't understand? Let me know in the comments! :)


  1. Thank you! I'm sure I'll be referring back to this post often, lol! :)


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