Israel - God's Heart

I've always wanted to go to Israel but don't know if I'll ever get to, so I jumped on the chance to read a copy of Israel - God's Heart: Landscapes and Legacy of Israel by Ron Gafni and Kathleen Barrett. It's advertised as a coffee table photography book with narratives and Scriptures complementing the photographs throughout, subtitled "A captivating pictorial of the Holy Land and a scriptural journey through God's redemption story". The back cover says:

"Many of us only dream of traveling to the Holy Land. Very few, like Israel's top aerial photographer, Ron Gafni, soar above the craggy mountain ranges of Masada, the salty Dead Sea, and the iconic locations where Jesus walked. Israel - God's Heart - Landscapes and Legacy, beautifully captures the ancient landscapes of this great nation, as well as presents the legacy of God's Redemption plan for the world.

As you slowly turn the pages, you will find unexpected vantage points, such as the Tower of David surrounded by city lights and fast paced cars. And, a hot air balloon floating over a field of cotton. From a bird's eye view, you will also experience a vibrant, bustling, modern Israel. Biblical references and thoughtful narrative, by Author Kathleen Barrett, intertwines with awe inspiring photography to bring you to the Holy Land time and time again."

I thoroughly enjoyed paging through this book. The photographs are beautiful, and I loved seeing every part of the Holy Land, both up close and personal and from above. It was a great look at a place I may never get to experience firsthand, and Gafni provides photographs of both desolate areas and highly populated city areas. My only complaint about this book is that it's much smaller than I expected. It's advertised as a coffee table book, so I was expecting something larger and heavier. This is a smaller lightweight book (cover measures at about 9" x 6 3/4"), so it's just a consideration to note before ordering so you're not surprised when it arrives. I enjoyed the Scriptures and descriptions included with the photographs as well. I recommend this book to anyone wanting to get a closer look at Israel.

You can see a preview of this book and its amazing photographs here:

I received a copy of this book from Litfuse in order to provide an honest and unbiased review. All opinions are my own.


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