The Power Of A Half Hour
The Power Of A Half Hour by Tommy Barnett promises to help you maximize your time and day with just a focused half hour. Some people seem to have more time in their day than others, but the truth is we all get the same 24 hours each day. Barnett promises to show the reader how to maximize your entire day with just half an hour. He shares the key to productivity - making use of small, manageable moments throughout your day. He promises to help you increase productivity in all areas of life: Purpose and values, Personal goals, Faith, Character and attitude, Dreams, Career, Relationships, Marriage and family, and Church involvement and ministry. I was excited to read this book as I have always had a serious time management problem and I feel like I'm always running two steps behind in my day and never quite able to accomplish everything I need or want to in any given day. I've read different tips and heard sermons and lessons on time management, and have learned some tips, but st...