Harriet Beamer Strikes Gold
Harriet Beamer Strikes Gold by Joyce Magnin follows a spunky, adventurous elderly lady named, of course, Harriet Beamer. After taking a road trip across the country to come live with her son and daughter-in-law in book one of this series, Harriet Takes The Bus (which I haven't read yet, but can't wait to read now), she arrives and is swindled into a fake gold mine deal by a teenager and her shady father. The subplots of Harriet's best friend and her son's struggles and Harriet's son and daughter-in-law's struggle to have a baby are also rich and well developed. I absolutely loved this book. When I chose it I didn't realize it was Book Two in the Harriet Beamer series, but it read just as well as a stand alone title, although it did reference things from the first book. I plan to read the first book as soon as I can because this one was so enjoyable. This is a fun, witty, fresh, and quirky tale. An elderly protagonist was one I've never read before, and ...