Glad Tidings

Glad Tidings: The First Twenty-Five Years Of Flanders Family Christmas Letters was definitely a unique book. In fact, I selected it because I had recently read a book by Doug Flanders (The Prodigal Project) and a book by Jennifer Flanders (Love Your Husband, Love Yourself) and enjoyed those so thoroughly that I wanted to learn more about this family.

I was not disappointed! I picked up this book and was immediately hooked. Reading about the family's history from dating to their children beginning to get married and having grandchildren was amazing. I felt like I had sat down with Jennifer and gotten to know her personally by the end of reading this book! The adventures they went on, the funny stories, etc. were so much fun to read. This book was a very easy read, and I could sit down, pick the book up, and just read one or two letters as I had time.

I also enjoyed the Christmas quotes, carols, Bible verses, and recipes scattered throughout the book. I can't wait to try the recipes. :)

I highly recommend this book. It shows the history of a family following God's will and call, and the blessings that followed!

PS: Jennifer, are you ever going to write that organization book? I'd love to read it! ;)

I received a copy of this book from BookCrash in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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