Having A Martha Home The Mary Way
I was instantly attracted to Sarah Mae's new book, Having a Martha Home the Mary Way: 31 Days to a Clean House and a Satisfied Soul because I am a confirmed Martha: Type A, OCD, perfectionist, list and schedule writer, and always wanting my house to be perfectly organized and spotless. However, I also have four kids, so this isn't always a realistic or attainable goal. I love cleaning (read: hate cleaning, but love the way a clean house looks). I often read books to try to balance myself out a bit, and this one seemed to fit the bill. It promised to hone my Martha side while also bringing balance to my personality by exploring and growing my Mary side. The book description reads: "Get your home and your heart in order in just 31 days! Sarah Mae wants to let you in on a little secret about being a good homemaker: It’s not about having a clean house. She’d never claim to be a natural, organized cleaner herself―yet, like you, she wants a beautiful space to call home, a pl...