Women Are Scary

I picked up Women are Scary: The Totally Awkward Adventure of Finding Mom Friends by Melanie Dale because I'm at a stage in my life where I find myself lonely and virtually friend-less after all of my close friends moved away to various locales (I mean, I have acquaintances, but not those real soul friends that you can hang out with, call up whenever, and really have a deep relationship with). I also struggle with social anxiety and have difficulty making friends in the first place, so that definitely exacerbates the problem! Anyhow, I hoped this book would help me out with finding some new friends. The back cover reads: "Let's see...this is the part where I convince you that you need this book. This book will massage your feet. This book will bring you a fuzzy blanket at the end of a long day of parenting your tiny little insanazoids. I promise to make you snort laugh at least once. After reading this book, you'll rock jazz hands, be able to sing on-key, and never,...