Still Life

When I first saw the cover of Still Life by Christa Parrish, it immediately caught my eye. The cover is absolutely gorgeous and made me want to pick it up and see what the story inside was about. The description was so compelling, that I knew it was a book I wanted to read. The description reads: "Ada escaped her family’s self-enclosed world to elope with a mysterious stranger. Five months later, she’s a widow in a strange new world. Ada was born into a fringe religious sect named for her father, The Prophet. But her lifelong habit of absolute obedience was shattered when she fled the family compound to elope with photographer Julian Goetz. Katherine Walker’s marriage was a sham. She and Will rarely spoke without yelling—and never touched. Her affair brings her both escape and guilt. When a tragic plane crash takes Julian from Ada and exacerbates Katherine’s sense of shame, both women become desperately unsure of where they belong in the world—until the devotion of an art...