When We Were On Fire

When We Were On Fire by Addie Zierman promises a story of consuming faith, tangled love, and starting over. The first part of the book focuses on Addie's upbringing in an evangelical church, where she was heavily immersed in church culture and life. The second part zeroes in on her disillusionment with the church and her rebellion away from the church, which leads to heavy drinking and nearly cheating on her husband. The final portion is supposed to be about her redemption and starting over with her faith. I have mixed feelings about this book. It was a very quick read, 231 pages, but the story moves briskly. It's the type of book you'll want to stay up all night to finish so you can see what happens and which direction her life ends up going. I did grow up in the 90s, but I did not grow up in a Christian home, so her description of her childhood didn't sound that bad to me - in fact, now with hindsight as an adult and Christian, I always wish I'd had an upbringi...